Oh boy is this LATE. It's been crazy around here the last two weeks. Moving rooms, kids sick, work stinks. Ugh. Anyway. I thought I best get this up before I take her 10 month photos LOL.

she was havin no parts of her photo being taken. I got exactly 5 pics. 3 look the same LOL. She is hulk baby. Started taking steps at 9 months and 1 week. Amazing. She eats whatever. Happy to report she is NOT allergic to anything as of yet. Including peanuts and shellfish. WHOOP.

She weighs in at 22lbs9oz and is 29.5" long. She has 7 teeth with number 8 on the way and I swear molars. Something is brewing I can tell! She only says Dada, Mama and now DOG. Clear as day.

and here is her 8 month baby book installment featuring 5th & Frolic.

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